Persona — Prototype of Target Group

Seyma Basyigit
5 min readNov 10, 2020

User personas, to be able to define design problems and to solve these problems created with the results obtained from user research in order to be able to design are fictional characters.
Persona can be summarized as the ideal customer profile. In this sense, a number of ideal customers. We can say that he is an imaginary character with special features. Creating the right personas, focusing on target audience analysis, supporting them with correct research and targeting. It is necessary to turn the mass into an imaginary person. Given these controversies; Persona ,We can say that it is the prototype of the target group.

Persona provides the design team with a user-centric tool to identify the actual users of the product . It eliminates the ambiguous identification of the audience as “users”.
Focusing on specific features, product development needs this person’s needs (goals, pain points and frustration etc. ) This is also support us to offer true design.

How to create a persona?

People with similar characteristics help us create a single persona. These features have common specializations, goals, and barriers, and they can be found in a certain age range, socioeconomic level, geographic location, etc.

Its purpose is to understand the user, to share the research results in an understandable way and to ensure that the same common message is perceived by everyone who is shared.

You can name these characters, but their personality traits, preferences, and behavior are all based on real data. The Persona you prototype is an imaginary personality that helps to empathize with large consumer groups with the same characteristics.

    One of the most critical steps in building your persona is to find and interview and survey the people who make up your buyer persona. Results from previous research for other reasons can also be used to create Personas. Research is the most important step to lay the groundwork correctly.
    Similarities and differences of user types are analyzed. In these interviews, people who exhibit similar behavior are divided into groups and thus different groups of people who are alike are formed.
    Create a persona summarizing each type of user based on the results of the inferences.

User personas include the following components.

Demographic Characteristics: It contains information that gives information about the character of the user, such as the age of the user person, place of residence, socio-economic class, and education level.
This section provides viewers with a quick glance at Persona’s history, lifestyle, and behavioral practices. The information should reflect trends from interviews, surveys or surveys.

Motivation: It defines the purpose that the user wants to achieve as a result of the experience in question and the instincts that advance the user through the experience process.

Obstacles and Constraints: It defines internal and external factors that slow down, hesitate or prevent the user from achieving his/her goal.

Approach: Summarizes the approach that can be taken into account in the user experience design process that can overcome the obstacles of this user and achieve his/her goal.

Before I started , sorry for the charts and images are in Turkish.

I will talk about a project I have been working on a while ago. I created 4 different personas as a result of our research and interviews for the Vestel smart home project. I will talk about these personas in this article.
In the smart home project, researches were carried out, focusing on the communication between users and technology.

Factors taken into account in grouping phase; concern, family communication, problem, savings, control, communication, responsibility.
In creating personas, I am in favor of working by adding more personality to personas. how much. realistic so true. that’s why you can see them in the persona charts you will see below.

1. PERSONA : AY AY AY Derya!
39 years old. housewife-mother. technology level is medium.
This person thinks the technology is being used for wrong purposes and aims to save their children from this situation.

2. PERSONA : Old-Fashioned Lütfü
55 years old. traditionalist the technology level is low.
He doesn’t want technology to enter the home environment. even against smartphones. He thinks the high-tech idea will challenge him.

3. PERSONA : Metropolitan Mother Emel
34 years old . Working mother. technology level is good.
He wants to balance work, family and personal time. technology should be useful for this.

4. PERSONA : Trendy Faruk
25 years old. good with technology.
All technological devices want to communicate with each other. wants customizable fields.

